
Jakob Andreasson
Jakob Andreasson
Postdoc Researcher
(650) 926-5521
PULSE Institute, SLAC
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Associate member in task E.4 -Choherent Imaging of Non-Periodic Structure (Bogan)
-Experimental Physics
-Coherent X-ray laser physics
-Single shot diffractive imaging, cluster explosion dynamics studies and warm dense matter research using X-ray Free Electron Lasers -Optical equipment and lasers, particle injection, ion time-of-flight detectors, vacuum chambers, cryostats and heatcells, sample preparation.
-Visible and UV Raman spectroscopy
-Electron-phonon interactions in transition metal oxides
2008 -PhD, Condensed Matter Physics Group, Dept. of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden. Title of Thesis:
Inelastic light scattering studies of electron-phonon interactions in transition metal oxides

2009 -Independent research grant to design and build an ion time-of-flight instrument for fragmentation and ion acceleration studies

2009 -Travel grant to visit LCLS for first experiments.