
Joachim Stöhr
Joachim Stöhr
Faculty, Photon Science; SLAC Associate Laboratory Director; Director, SSRL
2575 Sand Hill Road MS 69
Menlo Park, CA 94025
PI in task D.2.a. - Observations in Exp w/Variable Bunch (Siegmann, Stohr)
and D.2.c. - UFC Imaging Magnetization Dynamics (Stohr)
and D.2.d. - Magnetic Material Research (Stohr);
Co-PI in task D.2.b. - Energy and Angular Momentum (Acremann, Stohr).
My research concentrates on the study of magnetic thin films and nanostructures by means of advanced electron-beam and x-ray techniques. The central part of my x-ray program lies in the development of soft x-ray imaging techniques that combine nanoscale spatial resolution with ultrafast temporal resolution down to femtoseconds. I also employ ultrastrong and ultrafast field pulses produced by relativistic electron bunches to study the magnetic and electronic response of matter to extreme fields.
Fellow of the APS
Adjoint Professor in Physics at Uppsala University, Sweden
IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards